Sunday, August 7, 2011

Saturday, July 11, 1914

Got a card from Irene yesterday. Last night we were down at Uncle George's. He got home Tuesday.
Mama and Cecil are up town getting Cecil a new suit. We did everything yesterday so I've nothing to do today. I got a piece, variations on Old Black Joe Wednesday. It came while I was out at Uncle Charlie's. I can play most of it now.

Old Black Joe by Stephen Foster

Gone are the days when my heart was young and gay,
Gone are my friends from the cotton fields away,
Gone from the earth to a better land I know,
I hear those gentle voices calling Old Black Joe.

I'm coming, I'm coming,
for my head is bending low,
I hear those gentle voices calling
Old Black Joe.

Why do I weep, when my heart should feel no pain,
Why do I sigh that my friends come not again?
Grieving for forms now departed long ago.
I hear those gentle voices calling Old Black Joe.

Where are the hearts once so happy and so free?
The children so dear that I held upon my knee?
Gone to the shore where my soul has longed to go,
I hear those gentle voices calling Old Black Joe.

Thursday, July 9, 1914

Went to the ladies Bible reading Wednesday afternoon. Mama, Papa, Raymond and I played croquet in the evening. Mama and Raymond beat Papa and me in the 1st and Mama and I beat Papa and R. in the 2nd.
Thursday night we went to prayer meeting as usual. Friday afternoon I went over to see Margaret and Alice Dilzel who are visiting the Waits from New Orleans. They have a little brother Walter, about 18 months old since the last time they were here. Sat. (July 4th) we had our first spring chicken for dinner. In the afternoon we drove to Pocahontas. Broke our single tree* on the way and had to borrow one from Mr. Seiver. We got there about 4 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Calame were at the store and we stayed up town awhile. I went over into the park. Saw a little boys' sack race and nearly died laughing. Saw Katie. She w1s w3th 1 b215 s4 3 th45ght 3'd b2tt29 84t b5tt 38 18d sp21k t4 h29, 2sp2c3166y 1s sh2 d3d8't s22 72. 3 h1pp282d to k84w f947 4th27s' 2xp29328c2 th1t g396s w3th b215x d48't w18t th239 63tt62 s3st29s t1gg38g 1648g.** Ha! Ha!
We had a great big supper at Calame's and after supper Papa went to the store with Mr. Calame while Mama, Mrs. Calame and I went down to see the lots.
Monday morning I went over to Irene's to get the Etudes. I have them all while they are in Chicago. She was going on the 1:40 PM train and had been ready ever since 8 o'clock. We played some of the duets over before I came home.
In the evening when we were out riding I saw Louise and the boys over at her grandmother's. Didn't know she was here. I haven't had a chance to go over there and I don't know whether she's still here or not.
Tuesday I got a card from Katie asking me to go to the county graduating in the evening. I had already told Mrs. Krause I would go to YPM (Young Peoples' Meeting) at her house so I couldn't go. We finished lunch at Krauses at almost ten o'clock and then I went home with Paul and Gladys. We got there at about 11 0'clock. 3 th38k 3t w1s 1 63tt62 1ft29 482 17 wh28 G61dys & 3 w2nt t4 s622p. 3'7 g61d 7171 c18't 921d th3s d3162ct.***
Yesterday evening Papa and Mama came out after me. I had some music lesson today. Miss Plant gave me a new book -- Czerny Book I. She said it might be too easy for me and if it was I could exchange it for Book II.

*The pivoted or swinging bar to which the traces of a harnessed horse are fixed; a whiffletree.
** Code Translation 1: "She was with a beau so I thought I'd better not butt in and speak to her, especially as she didn't see me. I happened to know from others' experience that girls with beaux don't want their little sisters tagging along."
***Code Translation 2: "I think it was a little after one AM when Gladys and I went to sleep. I'm glad Mama can't read this dialect."

Tuesday, June 30, 1914

I have been sick naturally after having such a good time as that last recorded. Saturday I didn't feel well but I had to do most of the morning work so Mama could finish Aunt Lillie's waist. Uncle George went in her place so she didn't call for it till about noon after all Mama's hurrying to get in done in time for her to put the lace on and wear the waist when she left at 11:05. Saturday afternoon I went to bed and stayed there till a little after five when Mama woke me and told me Papa's feet hurt and he wanted me to hitch up and go after him. I did and when I got home I lay on the couch until Mama got back from taking Papa to the store after supper. Then I had to unhitch (Mama doesn't know how). After that I stayed in bed till a little after twelve Sunday. Aunt Lillie and Ruth came home to dinner with Mama, and I got up when they came. I stayed on the couch the rest of the day. Yesterday I felt pretty well but tired. Raymond Howell and I played croquet all afternoon. He beat 11 to 3.