Sunday, September 25, 2011

Monday, July 21, 1914

Friday Mama and I went over to Krauses again. Alice and Margaret and I played croquet in the morning. Irene came home Saturday on the 4 o'clock train. They didn't expect her till 7 and her mother was uptown. I went over as soon as I heard she was here. She said I gave her a warmer welcome than her mother did. ha! ha!
Yesterday Aunt Lella, Paul, Adele and Evelyn were here for dinner. We had lots of fun out of Evelyn. I gave her a doll with a trunk full of clothes that I was getting ready for Marguerite Cook. She was perfectly delighted. She said that she thought that was almost too much for her but she guessed she ought to keep them.
Neva Yong left for Iowa Friday noon, She has a fine position in a lawyer's office there. She was too busy to come over but she telephoned for us to go over there and tell her good-bye. We went Thurs. afternoon.

Tuesday, July 14, 1914

The mercury reached 108 degrees Saturday. Sunday was 105 degrees. The kids (Gladys, Paul and Cecil) were in Sunday night. It was too hot during the day. They brought me home. Just a little after I got here the fire alarm blew. Papa and I started to the fire. We heard that it was Jernigan's livery barn. When we had gone two blocks from home Papa said I had better come back after Mama. When I got here she and Maude Dulaney were already starting. The fire did about $8.900 worth of damage. It burnt the livery barn with seven horses, a second hand store next door and a brick house across the alley besides damaging the Thomas House, Advocate building, Potthast's store and our building. Did about $550 worth of damage to us.
Yesterday I went over to see Helen K. We played golf and checkers.