Sunday, November 13, 2011

Friday, September 11, 1914

Muryl (L) and 8th Grade friends

Had a fine time with the Provost family Sunday evening. Started to school Monday. It is fine but it seems like no matter which way I turn I miss Mr. Mitchell. He is teaching in the Iowa State Normal this year. I suppose it's a good thing for him that our school board dropped him like they did but anyway it was a dirty trick.
My teachers are
Algebra Miss Colcord
Latin " "
English Miss Sewell
Ancient History Mr. Simpson
Music Mr. Niedermeyer
Oh, how I miss Mr. Mitchell's tenor in music. I never knew how I loved that tenor until Mr. Niedermeyer started singing bass the other day. He doesn't get us worked up over singing like Mr. Mitchell did. Lets us choose the songs ourselves.
Miss Martha came Monday evening. Wednesday Miss Hoefut (the singing teacher for the upper grades) was here and has started two Glee Clubs in high school -- one boys' and one girls'. She is really cute. Wednesday evening Mama, Miss M., and I went to the band concert. Ina, Irene, and Blanche were there too. Yesterday afternoon Mama and Miss M. were invited to Mrs. Kruger's and I was invited to come after school. Helen and I went together. Refreshments were banana salad, cookies and brick ice cream.

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