Monday, November 14, 2011

Sunday, September 20, 1914

"Uncle Charlie's" kids: Gladys, Paul (Muryl's future husband), Adele and Cecil Robert

Miss Martha is going to be here all this week. Saturday afternoon Aunt Lillie and Miss Rachel M. came over. Sunday afternoon we went out to Uncle Charlie's. Krauses came too and Howard Hawk with them. Mrs. Krause, Helen, Harold, and Howard came home with Papa and the rest of us came in the auto. Uncle Charlie's have painted everything except les petite mezzau* (spelling doesn't count in French) and have built a new silo. The place looks fine**.
Last Monday we stayed at home. Tuesday Mama, Aunt Lillie, and Miss M. spent the day at Mutrix's. Wednesday our family all took supper at Smiths. Thursday Mama, Miss M., Mrs. Hubbard, and Miss Rachel spent the day at Aunt Lille's. Papa and I went after them and after dropping Mrs. Hubbard, we took a ride before supper. Friday our family took dinner at Mrs. Krause's. After school we went auto riding. Yesterday we stayed at home till after supper when we went over to Mrs. Enloe's. Just at present everybody but me is asleep. We're going riding when they wake up. Mr. E. Bruce came from St. Louis Friday. He is going to work in the Paris tailoring shop.

* La Petite Maison ("the little house"): Euphemism for the outhouse

**A note on the usage of the word "fine" which is one of Muryl's favorite adjectives. I believe she uses it in the sense that was more prevalent in her day than ours, and is described in this 1850s-era Webster's dictionary:
"The uses of this word are so numerous and indefinite, as to preclude a particular definition of each. In general, fine, in popular language, expresses whatever is excellent, showy or magnificent."
So when Muryl says something, or some event was "fine" she means it was excellent!

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